Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Seminar Series
For each seminar, we would propose that one group member *informally* presents, in at most 30 minutes, their ongoing research. You can use slides, if you wish, but it is not necessary. A whiteboard is also available, in case you need it. After the presentation, we would open the meeting up for discussion. Please bear in mind that other group members may not be familiar with your area of research, so don't forget to make your presentation accessible to all!
We hope these meetings will allow us to learn about ongoing research in the group, socialise, provide support to each other, and start new collaborations! We are planning to have a meeting every second week on Tuesdays 11:00 am in room 441 of the Department.
We offer online access to the meetings; please let us know if you wish to join, and we will send you the link for the meeting. It would be great to see you all in person, though!
Please let us know if you would like to volunteer to present for our upcoming meetings, and do not hesitate to contact the organisers if you have any questions.
Upcoming seminarsPrevious seminars

There are no upcoming seminars in this series at this time. Please check again soon.